I want to throw out that while I am usually SUPER on team “explicit communication norms”, the rule-nuances of the hardest cases might sometimes work best if they are a little chaotic & idiosyncratic.
I personally think there might be something mildly-beneficial and protective, about having “adversarial case detected” escape-clauses that vary considerably from person-to-person.
(Otherwise, a smart lawful adversary can reliably manipulate the shit out of things.)
I want to throw out that while I am usually SUPER on team “explicit communication norms”, the rule-nuances of the hardest cases might sometimes work best if they are a little chaotic & idiosyncratic.
I personally think there might be something mildly-beneficial and protective, about having “adversarial case detected” escape-clauses that vary considerably from person-to-person.
(Otherwise, a smart lawful adversary can reliably manipulate the shit out of things.)