Thank you, I really appreciate this response. I did guess that this was probably how you and others (like Anna, whose comments have been very measured) felt, but it is really reassuring to have it explicitly verbally confirmed, and not just have to trust that it’s probably true.
Sorry, only just now saw that I was mentioned by name here. I agree that Zoe’s experiences were horrifying and sad, and that it’s worth quite a bit to try to spare others that kind of thing. Not mangling peoples’ souls matters, rather a lot, both intrinsically (because people matter) and instrumentally (because we need integrity if we want to do anything real and sustained).
Thank you, I really appreciate this response. I did guess that this was probably how you and others (like Anna, whose comments have been very measured) felt, but it is really reassuring to have it explicitly verbally confirmed, and not just have to trust that it’s probably true.
Sorry, only just now saw that I was mentioned by name here. I agree that Zoe’s experiences were horrifying and sad, and that it’s worth quite a bit to try to spare others that kind of thing. Not mangling peoples’ souls matters, rather a lot, both intrinsically (because people matter) and instrumentally (because we need integrity if we want to do anything real and sustained).