The initial shock of having lost so much karma was the only time I felt I really “lost” here. I notice that karma loss does more to infuriate than actually punish, and that it has the potential to hurt the site more than me, by nullifying my ability to reach a larger audience when I have something important to say. When I see a rule I don’t like, I tend to ignore it, not that doing so was my intention here. My problem wasn’t that I lost karma, it was that I was accused of wrongdoing which I did not believe myself to have committed.
(That said, you are probably right about learning to lose. One of my biggest problems has been that I find escalation of conflict fun after it reaches a point where I cannot possibly win. I’m very popular with authority, as you could probably guess.)
The initial shock of having lost so much karma was the only time I felt I really “lost” here. I notice that karma loss does more to infuriate than actually punish, and that it has the potential to hurt the site more than me, by nullifying my ability to reach a larger audience when I have something important to say. When I see a rule I don’t like, I tend to ignore it, not that doing so was my intention here. My problem wasn’t that I lost karma, it was that I was accused of wrongdoing which I did not believe myself to have committed.
(That said, you are probably right about learning to lose. One of my biggest problems has been that I find escalation of conflict fun after it reaches a point where I cannot possibly win. I’m very popular with authority, as you could probably guess.)
I would also guess that many of your peers don’t much care for the escalation of conflict for its own sake, either.
no, just authority.
(The people who downvoted you here are your peers, not authority.)
Okay, I’m honestly curious: why the downvotes? I thought I was being helpful.
I consider a peer to be anyone I can beat in an argument when my logic is sound, regardless of other circumstances.