I have to say, I was really, really looking forward to the new insight or solution at the end of your post that would solve this problem, and was rather disappointed that one wasn’t there.
Nonetheless, I shared my praise in the form of an upvote. ;-)
Proposal: commission a song, “Eliezer Battles the Pink Robots”.
Verse 1:
> His name is Eliezer
> he’s a black belt in Bayes logic
> working for the singinst
> he has to eliminate his biases
Verse 2:
> Those not-so-Friendly robots
> they’re programmed to beindifferenttoourvalues
> he’s gotta be strong to fight them
> so he’s sayin’ tsuyoku naritai… alues?
Hmmm… songwriting is harder than I thought.
I have to say, I was really, really looking forward to the new insight or solution at the end of your post that would solve this problem, and was rather disappointed that one wasn’t there.
Nonetheless, I shared my praise in the form of an upvote. ;-)
Nah, SarahC’s just following Eliezer’s example and leaving it as an exercise for the reader :)