Does resolving an irrelevant semantic puzzle help us solve alignment?
EDIT: Hopefully I’m not coming off as snarky or argumentative. This is a topic where I’m honestly confused about why rationalists (non-dualists) would see any mystery or puzzle. Free will is only a puzzle if you are committed to both scientific materialism and dualism, two views which are obviously incompatible anyway, although many moderns try to keep a foot in both camps. Since I doubt there are very many dualists on this forum, I just don’t see why anyone here would be mystified.
It’s a potential reason why it’s worth caring about.
But if you don’t care about anything, you don’t care about anything.
Does resolving an irrelevant semantic puzzle help us solve alignment?
EDIT: Hopefully I’m not coming off as snarky or argumentative. This is a topic where I’m honestly confused about why rationalists (non-dualists) would see any mystery or puzzle. Free will is only a puzzle if you are committed to both scientific materialism and dualism, two views which are obviously incompatible anyway, although many moderns try to keep a foot in both camps. Since I doubt there are very many dualists on this forum, I just don’t see why anyone here would be mystified.
Dualism is only relevant to free will under certain definitions,so the semantic issue is relevant.