Words like “should”/“ought”/“needs” are used in two senses: First, to describe the requirements for things with purposes (this machinery needs oil, ought to be oiled, in order to function as it should); secondly, in the modern moral sense to indicate obligation
Are we sure that the two senses are completely distinct? Shorn of metaphysics, morality can be seen as having a social purpose. That doesn’t justify the categorical nature of morality in any strong way...but what’s the evidence for it? Morality can be made obligatory enough within society, and doesn’t matter outside.
Are we sure that the two senses are completely distinct? Shorn of metaphysics, morality can be seen as having a social purpose. That doesn’t justify the categorical nature of morality in any strong way...but what’s the evidence for it? Morality can be made obligatory enough within society, and doesn’t matter outside.