I don’t think the particular bundle of themes and qualities of Winter-Solstice-as-depicted-by-Raemon is the only or best thing to have converged on, just one locally optimal* hill to climb.
I doubt it quite addresses your concern, but I will note for now that I’ve since experimented with outdoor Winter Solstices that are much more ″hike through the woods to a beautiful sacred place, and then huddle up around a fire″. I think this style of Solstice scales less easily but has a different locally-optimal-aesthetic.
Yeah, that’s definitely a good point. One can do the “huddle around a fire” thing in any indoor space, whereas to hike through the woods, it’s a whole big deal… still, seems good to keep in mind what regions of doing-things-together-space are currently underserved—because then you can spot opportunities to rectify that lack, when they arise!
Yeah, that’s definitely a good point. One can do the “huddle around a fire” thing in any indoor space, whereas to hike through the woods, it’s a whole big deal… still, seems good to keep in mind what regions of doing-things-together-space are currently underserved—because then you can spot opportunities to rectify that lack, when they arise!