Bitcoin/blockchain force cohesion of a set of sims around the merkle tree, but you can still have many different sims that share variations of the same transaction history (they just differ then only in details).
But looking at it another way blockchains are also strong useful constraining evidence, so historical sims would always just recreate the same merkle trees. This leads to the interesting idea that you could attempt to preserve blockchain wealth post-sim … but of course you would just be sharing it with other versions of yourself, and potentially your simulators.
Bitcoin/blockchain force cohesion of a set of sims around the merkle tree, but you can still have many different sims that share variations of the same transaction history (they just differ then only in details).
But looking at it another way blockchains are also strong useful constraining evidence, so historical sims would always just recreate the same merkle trees. This leads to the interesting idea that you could attempt to preserve blockchain wealth post-sim … but of course you would just be sharing it with other versions of yourself, and potentially your simulators.