I… think this post was impacted by a bug in the LW API that GreaterWrong ran into, that made it so that it wasn’t visible on the frontpage when it was published. It nevertheless appears to have gotten some amount of engagement, but maybe that was all from direct links?
Given the substantial chance that a number of people have never seen this post, I reposted it. Its original publishing date was the 11th of June.
I… think this post was impacted by a bug in the LW API that GreaterWrong ran into, that made it so that it wasn’t visible on the frontpage when it was published. It nevertheless appears to have gotten some amount of engagement, but maybe that was all from direct links?
Given the substantial chance that a number of people have never seen this post, I reposted it. Its original publishing date was the 11th of June.
Ah, now the fact that I forgot to include an illustration (which I had drawn while writing the post) until months later feels like less of a waste! :)