Concretely: the last topic you wrote about is a sensitive one.
When writing about dating, it’s kinda rude to talk about it as a one player game. “I am getting what I want out of my actions”. For their part in the other side of the experience people don’t like to be the one being hunted.
Yes rationality is a one-agent game most of the time, but we still need to be careful how we portray the other agents.
I’m not saying that you should not write about it at all but you should definitely be sensitive. In your case maybe you should wait until you get another 150k words of writing experience before you open sensitive topics. (context: it took me that many words experience before people who were saying that my writing stunk now say that it’s good)
Also, I think any frontpage post needs to be evaluated in light of who it will attract to LW and who it will repel, and I think “Finding a Girlfriend with Reinforcement Learning” miserably fails in that evaluation.
More plausibly, any topic that talks about “getting girls” in a nerdy way painfully reminds guys that they don’t know how to get girls, so they downvote you; OR awkwardly demonstrates that you are less attractive/cool/etc. than the reader, so they downvote you, OR provides the capacity for the reader to believe that you only see girls as a prize to be one, so they downvote you. There’s really no winning this game.
What does a solipsist get out of successful dating anyway?
As against solipsism it is to be said, in the first place, that it is psychologically impossible to believe, and is rejected in fact even by those who mean to accept it. I once received a letter from an eminent logician, Mrs. Christine Ladd-Franklin, saying that she was a solipsist, and was surprised that there were no others. Coming from a logician and a solipsist, her surprise surprised me.
Bertrand Russell, Human Knowledge
Concretely: the last topic you wrote about is a sensitive one.
When writing about dating, it’s kinda rude to talk about it as a one player game. “I am getting what I want out of my actions”. For their part in the other side of the experience people don’t like to be the one being hunted.
Yes rationality is a one-agent game most of the time, but we still need to be careful how we portray the other agents.
I’m not saying that you should not write about it at all but you should definitely be sensitive. In your case maybe you should wait until you get another 150k words of writing experience before you open sensitive topics. (context: it took me that many words experience before people who were saying that my writing stunk now say that it’s good)
Also, I think any frontpage post needs to be evaluated in light of who it will attract to LW and who it will repel, and I think “Finding a Girlfriend with Reinforcement Learning” miserably fails in that evaluation.
More plausibly, any topic that talks about “getting girls” in a nerdy way painfully reminds guys that they don’t know how to get girls, so they downvote you; OR awkwardly demonstrates that you are less attractive/cool/etc. than the reader, so they downvote you, OR provides the capacity for the reader to believe that you only see girls as a prize to be one, so they downvote you. There’s really no winning this game.
What does a solipsist get out of successful dating anyway?
Note the Mrs!