Presently, entertainment media worth consuming seems to be being produced at a faster rate than one individual could consume it. (Entertainment media not worth consuming is, of course, produced at a faster rate still per Sturgeon’s law, but that’s not really relevant). It is easy to find something to do with excess time that would be better than not existing, even if you don’t want to work hard at anything and are limited to your current mental abilities, for the foreseeable future; removing those restrictions will add vastly more options.
Presently, entertainment media worth consuming seems to be being produced at a faster rate than one individual could consume it. (Entertainment media not worth consuming is, of course, produced at a faster rate still per Sturgeon’s law, but that’s not really relevant). It is easy to find something to do with excess time that would be better than not existing, even if you don’t want to work hard at anything and are limited to your current mental abilities, for the foreseeable future; removing those restrictions will add vastly more options.