I found The God Delusion to be incredibly overrated. It’s horribly organized, much of the material is uninteresting to people already familiar with standard anti-Christianity slogans, and its main argument for the non-existence of God (The Ultimate Boeing 747), while valid, lacks the punch of Occam’s Razor or The Problem of Evil.
If I was going to recommend a book I would recommend Why Won’t God Heal Amputees?, which has got to be the most accessible text arguing for the non-existence of God I have ever read. The last two chapters are annoying as hell, though.
If you can fudge the definition of “book”, then LessWrong’s own collection of religion-themed articles is excellent. Most of them are under the “religion” tag and the “antitheism” tag, but I think “Reason as memetic immune disorder”, which lacks either tag, nevertheless makes some great points about religious compartmentalization.
I found The God Delusion to be incredibly overrated. It’s horribly organized, much of the material is uninteresting to people already familiar with standard anti-Christianity slogans, and its main argument for the non-existence of God (The Ultimate Boeing 747), while valid, lacks the punch of Occam’s Razor or The Problem of Evil.
If I was going to recommend a book I would recommend Why Won’t God Heal Amputees?, which has got to be the most accessible text arguing for the non-existence of God I have ever read. The last two chapters are annoying as hell, though.
If you can fudge the definition of “book”, then LessWrong’s own collection of religion-themed articles is excellent. Most of them are under the “religion” tag and the “antitheism” tag, but I think “Reason as memetic immune disorder”, which lacks either tag, nevertheless makes some great points about religious compartmentalization.