I don’t know if that was your source, but the empirical results of people selecting CCs based on their usage pattern were mentioned on the Zywicki on Debt and Bankruptcy Econtalk episode starting at 17:40. Zywicki doesn’t mention a specific source for those empirical results in the podcast, but he also included them in The Economics of Credit Cards (page 28ff. of the pdf), which does have sources.
I don’t know if that was your source, but the empirical results of people selecting CCs based on their usage pattern were mentioned on the Zywicki on Debt and Bankruptcy Econtalk episode starting at 17:40. Zywicki doesn’t mention a specific source for those empirical results in the podcast, but he also included them in The Economics of Credit Cards (page 28ff. of the pdf), which does have sources.
A great Econtalk episode. I highly suggest people interested in the topic listen.