I got fairly into meditation in 2018. Not in a way where you do a huge amount of meditation, or seek guidance on how to do meditation well, or on whether what you are doing is meditation at all. I don’t think I even graduated from doing meditation largely in five minute bouts. I just really dug a set of mental things which seemed related to meditation. I was riding an ethos. I suppose meditation was a particularly namable point in the space, but not obviously the most exciting part of it, so I ended up being pretty excited about ‘meditation…?’ while not actually meditating that much.
I also remained so ignorant about meditation traditions and previous human meditation experience that you might doubt that I’m talking about the same thing. (I did talk to other people a little, and did about five guided meditations, which seemed like a different kind of thing anyway, but also very awesome.)
With that said, here’s a kind of meditation I made up. I call it, ‘meditative thinking’. In it, you do all the stuff you would usually do while meditating: be in a meditation-conducive position (I do lying on my back, which I hear is a bad idea, but it is very comfy); set a meditation timer with bells at the start and end (mine also makes water sounds between them, but this probably isn’t crucial); close your eyes; be aware of your breathing; then just go on being aware of stuff in a conspicuously conscious way. But before all this, choose a question to think about. And then, once meditating, think about the question. Maintain the same mental stance as you normally would meditating, insofar as that makes sense. Be aware of your breathing, and your awareness, and your thinking. If you stop thinking about the question, gently bring your awareness back to it.
I still find this good. Though it’s possible that it gets much of its benefit from being a ritualistic way to actually think about a question for five or ten minutes without reflexively opening Facebook because thinking doesn’t correspond to a tab or occupy one’s hands.
Reminds me of Logan Strohl’s use of meditation for brainstorming, orienting, etc.:
Funnily enough, what you have invented is much closer to real meditation, than most of the guided stuff.
What you do can be actually split into three stages:
Dharana. That’s when you’re thinking about the question, but your mind still wanders and you need to bring it back.
Dhiana. That’s when after stage 1 all of a sudden the chosen question becomes so interesting to you, that you no longer need to force yourself to think about it. Your mind wants to think about it now. Doesn’t really happen after 5 minutes, but should definitely happen after 30-40.
Samaddhi. Doesn’t happen every time, but with practice should happen regularly. It’s a strong feeling of insight, when you understand the answer to the question.
I hope that helps a little. If you have more questions drop me a message on telegram @thefaun
On reflection I do this too on occasions. If it helps you then it’s great, right?
Also there is a whole literature about the meditation posture. If you are prone to falling asleep while lying down you should consider sitting. But if you are a high energy individual then a reclining posture can actually help. Don’t feel bad about what works well for you after experimentation.