Didn’t I just say I was negotiating, rather than arguing? Quit looking for a point. Look instead for a purpose.
In one comment, I leverage a petty form of darks arts, with no karma penalty to myself, and a hefty cost to the person I targeted. In the next, I call myself out for doing so, and those who fell for it as well—with a pretty hefty karma penalty.
I’ll dryly observe the amusement I find in a community which purports to be about becoming stronger getting rather huffy about having their weaknesses revealed to them. Which might suggest some of my purpose.
Didn’t I just say I was negotiating, rather than arguing? Quit looking for a point. Look instead for a purpose.
In one comment, I leverage a petty form of darks arts, with no karma penalty to myself, and a hefty cost to the person I targeted. In the next, I call myself out for doing so, and those who fell for it as well—with a pretty hefty karma penalty.
I’ll dryly observe the amusement I find in a community which purports to be about becoming stronger getting rather huffy about having their weaknesses revealed to them. Which might suggest some of my purpose.