2: I would put the frog in the grass. Warm fuzzies are a great way to start the day, and it only costs 30 seconds.
If you’re truly concerned about the well-being of frogs, you might want to do more. You’d also want to ask yourself what you’re doing to help frogs everywhere. The fact that the frog ended up on your doorstep doesn’t make you extra responsible for the frog; it merely provides you with an opportunity to help.
If you’re truly concerned about the well-being of frogs, you might want to do more. You’d also want to ask yourself what you’re doing to help frogs everywhere. The fact that the frog ended up on your doorstep doesn’t make you extra responsible for the frog; it merely provides you with an opportunity to help.
The goal of helping frogs is to gain fuzzies, not utilons. Thinking about all the frogs that you don’t have the opportunity to help would mean losing those fuzzies.
2: I would put the frog in the grass. Warm fuzzies are a great way to start the day, and it only costs 30 seconds.
If you’re truly concerned about the well-being of frogs, you might want to do more. You’d also want to ask yourself what you’re doing to help frogs everywhere. The fact that the frog ended up on your doorstep doesn’t make you extra responsible for the frog; it merely provides you with an opportunity to help.
Also, wash your hands before eating.
The goal of helping frogs is to gain fuzzies, not utilons. Thinking about all the frogs that you don’t have the opportunity to help would mean losing those fuzzies.
There’s no utility in saving (animal) life? Or is that only for this particular instance?
Edit 20-Jun-2014: Frogs saved since my original post: 21.5. Frogs I’ve failed to save: 23.5.