I reply to many comments but certainly not all. I can’t respond to all my critics, and it’s probably unwise to do so. I’m also sympathetic to thomblake’s comment on this discussion:
I appreciate your efforts to decode this ‘Olympus mentality’ nonsense, and in general to make sure you’re not making communication errors. But at this point I believe you’re just wasting your time. You’ve documented your research methods better than I’ve ever seen someone do, and they certainly don’t need defending here.
On behalf of those who believe your work can positively impact the future of humanity and your time can be better spent elsewhere, I humbly request that you please file what you’ve been responding to under ‘trolling’ and move on.
To be clear, my comment pertained to reading others’ comments, not necessarily replying to them.
I would also like to stress that, while I am not sympathetic to thomblake’s comment (I could hardly be expected to be, since he effectively labeled a comment of mine “nonsense”), I have not voiced any complaint about the underlying subject (proof of minicamp effectiveness), and should not be confused with Silas. (This isn’t to say that I don’t think he has a point also; but I emphatically do not consider myself to have participated in any “trolling”.)
I entered the discussion because of the “Olympus” issue, which I had noticed in other contexts and had considered bringing up before. (Evidently I am not the only one, because my comment on the matter has—against all expectations of mine—been voted up into the 20s.)
I reply to many comments but certainly not all. I can’t respond to all my critics, and it’s probably unwise to do so. I’m also sympathetic to thomblake’s comment on this discussion:
To be clear, my comment pertained to reading others’ comments, not necessarily replying to them.
I would also like to stress that, while I am not sympathetic to thomblake’s comment (I could hardly be expected to be, since he effectively labeled a comment of mine “nonsense”), I have not voiced any complaint about the underlying subject (proof of minicamp effectiveness), and should not be confused with Silas. (This isn’t to say that I don’t think he has a point also; but I emphatically do not consider myself to have participated in any “trolling”.)
I entered the discussion because of the “Olympus” issue, which I had noticed in other contexts and had considered bringing up before. (Evidently I am not the only one, because my comment on the matter has—against all expectations of mine—been voted up into the 20s.)