Working at Google diverted these people’s skilled labor from other worthwhile endeavors.
Huh? If someone writes a software program worth $100,000, then they have contributed $100,000 to the economy. If the person could have written a program worth $80,000, that doesn’t mean that the person has only contributed $20,000 to the economy. Your comment makes sense if evaluating the value of Google to the economy, but not when evaluating the value of the employees to Google or the economy.
Ok, so I intended to ask the question “How much value did Brin and Page create by founding Google?” rather than the question “How much value did the early Google staff collectively create in contributing to Google’s growth?” When I get a chance, I’ll edit the post to this effect.
Huh? If someone writes a software program worth $100,000, then they have contributed $100,000 to the economy. If the person could have written a program worth $80,000, that doesn’t mean that the person has only contributed $20,000 to the economy. Your comment makes sense if evaluating the value of Google to the economy, but not when evaluating the value of the employees to Google or the economy.
Ok, so I intended to ask the question “How much value did Brin and Page create by founding Google?” rather than the question “How much value did the early Google staff collectively create in contributing to Google’s growth?” When I get a chance, I’ll edit the post to this effect.