The raw information processing abilities of the collective sum of all human intelligence certainty forms a cohesive intelligence. The internet is allowing information to spread ever more rapidly, and within a few decades, we’re liable to start seeing incredible shifts in the way business and research are conducted. The question is what structures exist in the fabric of this being’s mind, what its limits are, its ability to act independently of its parts, and in general how it can be made to be useful to us to be aware of. These are non-trivial questions that I will not pretend to know the answer to. It may require primitive machine intelligence to properly catalog the data needed to answer these questions, effectively giving that being control over the collective superintelligence of humanity. For example, it could utilize existing facilities to create nanomachine factories. This wouldn’t be grey goo that destroyed everything, it would be an intelligently designed program to enhance the AIs exploitation of the existing superintelligence it finds itself confronted with. It has the advantage simply because it is sufficiently self-aware. As a superorganism, we are nowhere near as organized as ant colonies.
The raw information processing abilities of the collective sum of all human intelligence certainty forms a cohesive intelligence. The internet is allowing information to spread ever more rapidly, and within a few decades, we’re liable to start seeing incredible shifts in the way business and research are conducted. The question is what structures exist in the fabric of this being’s mind, what its limits are, its ability to act independently of its parts, and in general how it can be made to be useful to us to be aware of. These are non-trivial questions that I will not pretend to know the answer to. It may require primitive machine intelligence to properly catalog the data needed to answer these questions, effectively giving that being control over the collective superintelligence of humanity. For example, it could utilize existing facilities to create nanomachine factories. This wouldn’t be grey goo that destroyed everything, it would be an intelligently designed program to enhance the AIs exploitation of the existing superintelligence it finds itself confronted with. It has the advantage simply because it is sufficiently self-aware. As a superorganism, we are nowhere near as organized as ant colonies.