She tends to feel everything more intensely, resulting in a great deal of anxiety, but hides this behind a poker face. Many people, including her relatives, thought she’d become a nun before she started going out with me.
Some people seem to need something to believe, and they are often quite driven people. It may not be religion—we’ve seen a few around LessWrong, who give up religion and pursue the Singularity with the same intensity, or go the other way.
Is she someone likely to be prone to spiritual binge-and-purge? Does she tend to be intense about beliefs or the lack thereof in general?
She tends to feel everything more intensely, resulting in a great deal of anxiety, but hides this behind a poker face. Many people, including her relatives, thought she’d become a nun before she started going out with me.
Gotta love that phrase.
Some people seem to need something to believe, and they are often quite driven people. It may not be religion—we’ve seen a few around LessWrong, who give up religion and pursue the Singularity with the same intensity, or go the other way.