Voted the courtesy repost back up to zero. I most likely downvoted the original post for blatant silliness but really, why penalise politeness? In fact, I’d upvote the deleted great grandparent for demonstrating changing one’s mind (on the applicability of a particular point), in defiance of rather strong biases against doing that.
I roughly consider Bayesians the experimental scientists and frequentists the theoretical scientists. Mathematics is theoretical, which is why the frequentists cluster there. Do you disagree with this?
I consider frequentist experimental scientists to be potentially competent in what they do. After all, available frequentist techniques are good enough that the significant problems with the application of stastics are in the misuse of frequentist tools, more so than them being used at all. As for theoretical frequentists… I suggest that anyone who makes a serious investigation into developments in probability theory and statistics will not remain a frequentist. I claim that what ‘theoretical frequentists’ do is orthoganal to theory (but often precisely in line with what academia is really about).
Voted the courtesy repost back up to zero. I most likely downvoted the original post for blatant silliness but really, why penalise politeness? In fact, I’d upvote the deleted great grandparent for demonstrating changing one’s mind (on the applicability of a particular point), in defiance of rather strong biases against doing that.
I consider frequentist experimental scientists to be potentially competent in what they do. After all, available frequentist techniques are good enough that the significant problems with the application of stastics are in the misuse of frequentist tools, more so than them being used at all. As for theoretical frequentists… I suggest that anyone who makes a serious investigation into developments in probability theory and statistics will not remain a frequentist. I claim that what ‘theoretical frequentists’ do is orthoganal to theory (but often precisely in line with what academia is really about).