It missed in all story that superintelligecne will be probably able to resurrect people even if they were not cryopreserved, using creation of their copies based on digital immortality.
Enough of what makes me me hasn’t and won’t make into digital expression by accident short of post-singularity means, that I wouldn’t identify such a poor individual as being me. It would be neuro-sculpture on the theme of me.
You may also not identify with you the person who will get up in your body after night sleep tomorrow. There will be large informational and biochemical changes in your brain, as well as a discontinuity of the stream of consciousness during deep sleep.
I mean that an attempt to deny identity with your copies will result in even larger paradoxes.
I don’t buy it. Why don’t you wake up as Britney Spears instead? Clearly there’s some information in common between your mind patterns. She is human after all (at least I’m pretty sure).
Clearly there is a sufficient amount of difference that would make your copy no longer you.
I think it is probable that cryonics will preserve enough information, but I think it is nigh impossible that my mere written records could be reconstructed into me, even by a superintelligence. There is simply not enough data.
But given Many Worlds, a superintelligence certainly could attempt to create every possible human mind by using quantum randomization. Only a fraction of these could be realized in any given Everett branch, of course. Most possible human minds are insane, of course, since their memories would make no sense.
Given the constraint of “human mind” this could be made more probable than Boltzmann Brains. But if the Evil AI “upgrades” these minds, then they’d no longer fit that constraint.
We still don’t know, how much information is needed for informational identity. It could be a rather small set of core data, which helps me to find a difference between me and Britney Spits.
Superintelligence also could exceed us in information gathering about the past and have radically new ideas. Quantum randomization in MWI is one possible approach, but such randomization may be done only about “unknown important facts”. For example, if it is unknown, if I love my grandmother, it could be replaced by a random bit. So in the two branches of the multiverse there will be two people, but none of them will be insane.
Also, there could take place something like acasul trade between different resurrection engines in different parts of the iniverse. Because if me-how-didn’t-like grandmother is not real me, it could correspond to another person, that need to be resurrected, but existed in the branch of MWI that splitted around 1900. As a result, all the dead will be easily resurrected, and no combinational explosion, measure problems, or insane minds will appear.
Another option for superintelligence is to run resurrection simulations, which recreate all the world from the beginning, and sideloading in it all available data.
Enough of what makes me me hasn’t and won’t make into digital expression by accident short of post-singularity means, that I wouldn’t identify such a poor individual as being me. It would be neuro-sculpture on the theme of me.
You may also not identify with you the person who will get up in your body after night sleep tomorrow. There will be large informational and biochemical changes in your brain, as well as a discontinuity of the stream of consciousness during deep sleep.
I mean that an attempt to deny identity with your copies will result in even larger paradoxes.
I don’t buy it. Why don’t you wake up as Britney Spears instead? Clearly there’s some information in common between your mind patterns. She is human after all (at least I’m pretty sure).
Clearly there is a sufficient amount of difference that would make your copy no longer you.
I think it is probable that cryonics will preserve enough information, but I think it is nigh impossible that my mere written records could be reconstructed into me, even by a superintelligence. There is simply not enough data.
But given Many Worlds, a superintelligence certainly could attempt to create every possible human mind by using quantum randomization. Only a fraction of these could be realized in any given Everett branch, of course. Most possible human minds are insane, of course, since their memories would make no sense.
Given the constraint of “human mind” this could be made more probable than Boltzmann Brains. But if the Evil AI “upgrades” these minds, then they’d no longer fit that constraint.
We still don’t know, how much information is needed for informational identity. It could be a rather small set of core data, which helps me to find a difference between me and Britney Spits.
Superintelligence also could exceed us in information gathering about the past and have radically new ideas. Quantum randomization in MWI is one possible approach, but such randomization may be done only about “unknown important facts”. For example, if it is unknown, if I love my grandmother, it could be replaced by a random bit. So in the two branches of the multiverse there will be two people, but none of them will be insane.
Also, there could take place something like acasul trade between different resurrection engines in different parts of the iniverse. Because if me-how-didn’t-like grandmother is not real me, it could correspond to another person, that need to be resurrected, but existed in the branch of MWI that splitted around 1900. As a result, all the dead will be easily resurrected, and no combinational explosion, measure problems, or insane minds will appear.
Another option for superintelligence is to run resurrection simulations, which recreate all the world from the beginning, and sideloading in it all available data.