As a big fan of yours, I have to say I’m mainly excited about the condensed version. I don’t see the point in buying something that’s already available on the internet. Something with all the key ideas distilled down and integrated more deeply than you would blog posts—that, though, could be useful even to someone who’s read all your posts and wants the big picture, and it means something I can recommend to family and watch climb the bestseller lists (hopefully!) The self-published book would only be useful for boosting your sales pitch to publishers, but won’t work well even for that if too many people feel as I do. If you’re worried about your credentials for making a pitch to publishers, I recommend trying to publish more short printed pieces (magazine/journal articles, book chapters, etc.) But I may be the exception in my thinking on this.
As a big fan of yours, I have to say I’m mainly excited about the condensed version. I don’t see the point in buying something that’s already available on the internet. Something with all the key ideas distilled down and integrated more deeply than you would blog posts—that, though, could be useful even to someone who’s read all your posts and wants the big picture, and it means something I can recommend to family and watch climb the bestseller lists (hopefully!) The self-published book would only be useful for boosting your sales pitch to publishers, but won’t work well even for that if too many people feel as I do. If you’re worried about your credentials for making a pitch to publishers, I recommend trying to publish more short printed pieces (magazine/journal articles, book chapters, etc.) But I may be the exception in my thinking on this.