That could also be explained by people preferring helping women to helping men because they expect men likely to feel insulted/humiliated when offered charity. Or because they are more likely to perceive distant/foreign/poor men as potential threats.
The argument I’ve seen is that microlending works better when it’s offered to women. Women are claimed (I haven’t checked this) to be much more likely to put the money into supporting their families rather than spending it on personal consumption.
That could also be explained by people preferring helping women to helping men because they expect men likely to feel insulted/humiliated when offered charity. Or because they are more likely to perceive distant/foreign/poor men as potential threats.
The argument I’ve seen is that microlending works better when it’s offered to women. Women are claimed (I haven’t checked this) to be much more likely to put the money into supporting their families rather than spending it on personal consumption.
I have seen a study that supports this. One of the leading uses men made of money was throwing parties to show how well off they were.....