This only added to my confusion. I understand the larger point, but this example is confusing. Stretching while brushing your teeth is impractical and dangerous, 3 hours a year is infinitesimal, and you should really brush your teeth for more than 30 seconds a day. The following part was much more coherent and the examples well thought-out.
Okay, that’s actually a good point. I’ll try to think of a better example (ir you have any in mind I’m open to suggestions).
I’ve found that doing SRS reps while walking on the treadmill is a much more efficient than walking or reviewing flash cards separately. Your mileage may vary.
This looks like micro-optimization to me. If you have time to brush your teeth while showering, you’re clearly not optimizing your shower time. (Not applicable if the outside is unpleasantly cold, in which case it’s better to brush your teeth inside than outside the shower. Also, shaving is probably faster in the shower.)
This only added to my confusion. I understand the larger point, but this example is confusing. Stretching while brushing your teeth is impractical and dangerous, 3 hours a year is infinitesimal, and you should really brush your teeth for more than 30 seconds a day. The following part was much more coherent and the examples well thought-out.
Standing on one foot might be a better choice than stretching.
Okay, that’s actually a good point. I’ll try to think of a better example (ir you have any in mind I’m open to suggestions).
I’ve found that doing SRS reps while walking on the treadmill is a much more efficient than walking or reviewing flash cards separately. Your mileage may vary.
brushing teeth and shaving in the shower are decent examples.
This looks like micro-optimization to me. If you have time to brush your teeth while showering, you’re clearly not optimizing your shower time. (Not applicable if the outside is unpleasantly cold, in which case it’s better to brush your teeth inside than outside the shower. Also, shaving is probably faster in the shower.)
It was given as an example of micro-optimization, so that makes sense, no?
I really enjoy being in the shower.