I think you’ve missed an important distinction in libertarian groups. Goldbugs tend to be more Malthusian than Cornucopian. In fact, Goldbugs are usually bulls on all commodities and perma-bears on everything else. Goldbugs tend to be paleo-libertarians like Mises Institute/Lew Rockwell etc. The Cornucopian libertarians tend to be cosmotarians like Reason Foundation/Cato Institute, etc. E.g. Julian Simon was a member of Cato.
I think you’ve missed an important distinction in libertarian groups. Goldbugs tend to be more Malthusian than Cornucopian. In fact, Goldbugs are usually bulls on all commodities and perma-bears on everything else. Goldbugs tend to be paleo-libertarians like Mises Institute/Lew Rockwell etc. The Cornucopian libertarians tend to be cosmotarians like Reason Foundation/Cato Institute, etc. E.g. Julian Simon was a member of Cato.