It’s worthwhile discussing why most individuals don’t learn about rationality, as once we learn this, we could potentially address it, which would result in more people learning about it. Does anyone have any ideas?
It takes a lot of effort and you don’t see immediate results. I’m sure most people have encountered book-smart individuals with neither common sense nor social skills. Or pretentious types who read a few chapters of Kant and feel the urge to let everyone know how philosophical they are. There are loads of people who learn a little rationality and act as though they are perfectly logical beings. Pedantry, arrogance, and pretentiousness trap many a beginner; such types make poor ambassadors. This essay, for example, got me to really reflect on my writing style and how I was presenting myself.
In short, people are liable to generalize from bad examples and associate rationality with quarrelsome pedants spewing forth incomprehensible jargon.
It’s worthwhile discussing why most individuals don’t learn about rationality, as once we learn this, we could potentially address it, which would result in more people learning about it. Does anyone have any ideas?
It takes a lot of effort and you don’t see immediate results. I’m sure most people have encountered book-smart individuals with neither common sense nor social skills. Or pretentious types who read a few chapters of Kant and feel the urge to let everyone know how philosophical they are. There are loads of people who learn a little rationality and act as though they are perfectly logical beings. Pedantry, arrogance, and pretentiousness trap many a beginner; such types make poor ambassadors. This essay, for example, got me to really reflect on my writing style and how I was presenting myself.
In short, people are liable to generalize from bad examples and associate rationality with quarrelsome pedants spewing forth incomprehensible jargon.
I don’t think getting people to learn about rationality is even a goal. We rather want people to learn to be more rational.
I misspoke. That’s what I meant.
Do you have an idea about the causes for misspeaking?
I think I do. In this case, I made the mistake of assuming that learning about rationality entailed becoming more rational.