So now suppose that my 500,000 green selves are reunited into one Ebborian, and my 3 red selves are reunited into one Ebborian. Have I just sent nearly all of my “subjective probability” into the green future self, even though it is now only one of two? With only a little more work, you can see how a temporary expenditure of computing power, or a nicely refined brain-splitter and a dose of anesthesia, would let you have a high subjective probability of winning any lottery. At least any lottery that involved splitting you into pieces.”
I don’t understand this part; someone explain it to me, please!
Think of the Monty Hall problem. According to the lines just above those, those 500,000 selves have greater probability mass than the 3 red selves. But then combining them, you have a single green self with a greater probability mass than the single red self.
For the other part, see The Anthropic Trilemma about the Quantum Lottery thought experiment.
I don’t understand this part; someone explain it to me, please!
Think of the Monty Hall problem. According to the lines just above those, those 500,000 selves have greater probability mass than the 3 red selves. But then combining them, you have a single green self with a greater probability mass than the single red self.
For the other part, see The Anthropic Trilemma about the Quantum Lottery thought experiment.