Curated. The future is hard to predict but it’s not impossible to narrow your expectations and be less surprised. I appreciate this piece for getting quite concrete and getting me thinking. The kind of piece that goes alongside What 2026 looks like (though I don’t think this was intended as a vignette, both merely attempt to predict where things are headed). This piece was focused on the technical capabilities, would be very interesting to see exploration of what the world looks like when you can just get approx a million hours of human cognitive labor quickly.
Curated. The future is hard to predict but it’s not impossible to narrow your expectations and be less surprised. I appreciate this piece for getting quite concrete and getting me thinking. The kind of piece that goes alongside What 2026 looks like (though I don’t think this was intended as a vignette, both merely attempt to predict where things are headed). This piece was focused on the technical capabilities, would be very interesting to see exploration of what the world looks like when you can just get approx a million hours of human cognitive labor quickly.