Epistemic status: riffing, not sure if these secondary forces of debt are at play much
If A has many different debts to B and B many different debts to A, such that it’s not trivially easy to figure out who owes who more, perhaps self-serving bias will lead each to believe they have a net balance in their favour and create overall more allyship.
Another thought: these effects seem to most disfavour delimited debts. I might be relieved if my friend’s project falls apart, but I wouldn’t be if they dropped dead. So if my debt is not limited to their project, then my dislike of the debt is set against all of my like of them as a person, and is more likely to come out clearly lacking, rather than just against their project, which I perhaps don’t care much about (and similarly with the airport debt).
Epistemic status: riffing, not sure if these secondary forces of debt are at play much
If A has many different debts to B and B many different debts to A, such that it’s not trivially easy to figure out who owes who more, perhaps self-serving bias will lead each to believe they have a net balance in their favour and create overall more allyship.
Another thought: these effects seem to most disfavour delimited debts. I might be relieved if my friend’s project falls apart, but I wouldn’t be if they dropped dead. So if my debt is not limited to their project, then my dislike of the debt is set against all of my like of them as a person, and is more likely to come out clearly lacking, rather than just against their project, which I perhaps don’t care much about (and similarly with the airport debt).