I figured that leaving the “points” alone would keep things simple, and leave the social dynamics of the site mostly unchanged. My proposal adds redundant information (i.e. up and down) to that. Mainly I wanted down, but directness argued for both. With “ratio” I worry that it will obscure things with small counts. E.g. a 85.7% post with seven votes leaves me wondering how many people didn’t like it ( six up and 1 down). I’d rather interpret things myself.
I figured that leaving the “points” alone would keep things simple, and leave the social dynamics of the site mostly unchanged. My proposal adds redundant information (i.e. up and down) to that. Mainly I wanted down, but directness argued for both. With “ratio” I worry that it will obscure things with small counts. E.g. a 85.7% post with seven votes leaves me wondering how many people didn’t like it ( six up and 1 down). I’d rather interpret things myself.