Thanks for mentioning these things. I didn’t know the Anti-Kibitzer existed. Shouldn’t this be basic information for newbies? Did I miss it? [more when I have time, maybe]
Gah! these older posts cited by matt may make everything discussed here irrelevant (as action items; not as discussion for it’s own sake or some larger purpose perhaps). I think we have a serious information liquidity problem on this site.
I deserve some of the blame for not “doing scholarly due diligence” to find this post sooner, but come on, I’m a newb. (~30 days maybe, most of them idle; the last couple ridiculously active) and “prior work” is something I repeatedly asked for.
Hmmm. I was about to conclude there’s a newbie orientation problem and a lack of information liquidity (I mean the property that what’s known over here becomes known over there on the site). But then I got some data:
This is the 48th comment and it took ~2 days.
In the scheme of things, that’s not that bad. I learned a lot. Hopefully I didn’t waste too much of everyone else’s time. I enjoyed the interaction. Rediscovering things can be instructive.
Thanks matt! I’m going to edit the initial part of the OP to reflect your information.
I’m making a swift change of judgement here. Please let me know if it’s wrong.
Thanks for mentioning these things. I didn’t know the Anti-Kibitzer existed. Shouldn’t this be basic information for newbies? Did I miss it? [more when I have time, maybe]
Gah! these older posts cited by matt may make everything discussed here irrelevant (as action items; not as discussion for it’s own sake or some larger purpose perhaps). I think we have a serious information liquidity problem on this site.
I deserve some of the blame for not “doing scholarly due diligence” to find this post sooner, but come on, I’m a newb. (~30 days maybe, most of them idle; the last couple ridiculously active) and “prior work” is something I repeatedly asked for.
Hmmm. I was about to conclude there’s a newbie orientation problem and a lack of information liquidity (I mean the property that what’s known over here becomes known over there on the site). But then I got some data:
This is the 48th comment and it took ~2 days.
In the scheme of things, that’s not that bad. I learned a lot. Hopefully I didn’t waste too much of everyone else’s time. I enjoyed the interaction. Rediscovering things can be instructive.
Thanks matt! I’m going to edit the initial part of the OP to reflect your information.
I’m making a swift change of judgement here. Please let me know if it’s wrong.