Empty “worship” to evolution by atheists? Maybe. If so, it is not surprising. Nor is the biological fundamentalism concerning gender (nearly total ignoring of sociology). These postdictions are not predictions, I challenge you actually pose a testable prediction/hypothesis for this pseudo-science. “Just so” stories is an excellent category for this “science”.
“There is a broad consensus among philosophers of science that evolutionary psychology is a deeply flawed enterprise...Evolutionary psychologists generate evolutionary hypotheses by first finding apparent design in the world, say in our psychological make up, and then presenting a selective scenario that would have led to the production of the trait that exhibits apparent design. The hypotheses evolutionary psychologists generate, given that they are usually hypotheses about our psychological capacities, are tested by standard psychological methods. Philosophers of biology challenge evolutionary psychologists on both of these points”—Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
I suggest a much more critical look on this whole enterprise and defense of it. Calling it a “science” without the ability to actually test this...is weird at best.
Empty “worship” to evolution by atheists? Maybe. If so, it is not surprising. Nor is the biological fundamentalism concerning gender (nearly total ignoring of sociology). These postdictions are not predictions, I challenge you actually pose a testable prediction/hypothesis for this pseudo-science. “Just so” stories is an excellent category for this “science”.
“There is a broad consensus among philosophers of science that evolutionary psychology is a deeply flawed enterprise...Evolutionary psychologists generate evolutionary hypotheses by first finding apparent design in the world, say in our psychological make up, and then presenting a selective scenario that would have led to the production of the trait that exhibits apparent design. The hypotheses evolutionary psychologists generate, given that they are usually hypotheses about our psychological capacities, are tested by standard psychological methods. Philosophers of biology challenge evolutionary psychologists on both of these points”—Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
I suggest a much more critical look on this whole enterprise and defense of it. Calling it a “science” without the ability to actually test this...is weird at best.