Before It presents you with the problem, Omega tests whether you subscribe to CDT or EDT, and puts the million in the box iff you subscribe to EDT. So you’ll get more if you subscribe to EDT. So you’ll be better off applying heuristics that you’re arbitrarily rewarded for, but this doesn’t say anything about normal situations (like kissing the sick baby.)
The standard reply to your objection is that Newcomb’s Problem doesn’t actually care about the “ritual of cognition” that you happen to use. It only cares about your answer. You could one-box because you worship Cthulhu, instead of EDT, and still win. For example, I don’t subscribe to EDT, but still one-box because I find UDT’s solution convincing :-)
Newcomb’s problem proves EDT only by cheating.
Before It presents you with the problem, Omega tests whether you subscribe to CDT or EDT, and puts the million in the box iff you subscribe to EDT. So you’ll get more if you subscribe to EDT. So you’ll be better off applying heuristics that you’re arbitrarily rewarded for, but this doesn’t say anything about normal situations (like kissing the sick baby.)
The standard reply to your objection is that Newcomb’s Problem doesn’t actually care about the “ritual of cognition” that you happen to use. It only cares about your answer. You could one-box because you worship Cthulhu, instead of EDT, and still win. For example, I don’t subscribe to EDT, but still one-box because I find UDT’s solution convincing :-)