So: entropy, as far as we can tell. See the works of Dewar, referenced here. Or for a popular version, try: Whitfield, John Survival of the Likeliest? for a popular version from someone other than me.
OTOH, as rabbits become better fox-evaders, foxes become better rabbit-hunters. If there exists some thing X that fox-evasion and rabbit-hunting have in common, it’s possible (I would even say likely) that X is increasing throughout this process.
Success for the fox is failure for the rabbit; success for the rabbit is failure for the fox. What is the maximand?
So: entropy, as far as we can tell. See the works of Dewar, referenced here. Or for a popular version, try: Whitfield, John Survival of the Likeliest? for a popular version from someone other than me.
OTOH, as rabbits become better fox-evaders, foxes become better rabbit-hunters. If there exists some thing X that fox-evasion and rabbit-hunting have in common, it’s possible (I would even say likely) that X is increasing throughout this process.
Increasing != maximising, though. Methane is increasing in both cases—but evolution doesn’t maximise methane production.
Not sure why it’s relevant, but certainly true.