We would get a real-world test of the fact that Claude-2-unaligned is able to provide detailed blueprints and practical instructions on production of biological warfare agents.
This is false or at the very least massively misleading. If you look at Amodei’s testimony he is clear that current state-of-the art models make mistakes, are unreliable, and can’t be relied on to give correct instructions for this kind of thing. He says that he anticipates risks in 2-3 years of progress.
In his Dwarkesh interview, of course, Amodei alludes to how even if LLMs could give such detailed instructions, the relevant fact is how much relatively easier everything becomes versus what you can do simply with a textbook / an internet connection / Google. A LLM that makes things 10% easier versus the internet doesn’t really matter.
(And of course, even if it did 2x easier to make a biological weapon doesn’t yet imply that intervention is the right thing. Otherwise, of course, we should eliminate the free and unsupervised internet, which doubtless makes it more than 2x easier to make a biological weapon than it was in the prior-the-internet world.)
This is false or at the very least massively misleading. If you look at Amodei’s testimony he is clear that current state-of-the art models make mistakes, are unreliable, and can’t be relied on to give correct instructions for this kind of thing. He says that he anticipates risks in 2-3 years of progress.
In his Dwarkesh interview, of course, Amodei alludes to how even if LLMs could give such detailed instructions, the relevant fact is how much relatively easier everything becomes versus what you can do simply with a textbook / an internet connection / Google. A LLM that makes things 10% easier versus the internet doesn’t really matter.
(And of course, even if it did 2x easier to make a biological weapon doesn’t yet imply that intervention is the right thing. Otherwise, of course, we should eliminate the free and unsupervised internet, which doubtless makes it more than 2x easier to make a biological weapon than it was in the prior-the-internet world.)