I don’t get the pertinence of the photo. Was it ironic? It doesn’t bring out his possession of the attributes you mentioned, and moreover one of his eyes is half-shut—it seems like it was selected to be a bad moment.
If I had the habit of publishing my photos, that particular one would be bound for the trash. If I were professional and released that one without specific instructions to do so, I would expect a reputation hit.
Truly, the face is the picture of the soul. I clicked on a rare cheerful picture and found an article headlined “Humanity is OK, but 99% of people are boring idiots.”
I was more concerned with the second sentence than the first. He may be ace at getting the girl (photo did establish that decently well), but that photo didn’t exactly exude energy, enthusiasm, and confidence.
Just watch some videos of him on YouTube. He seems like a pretty energetic guy, and charming in his own way. And he can speak very simply and clearly when he wants to, which surprised me a lot.
I don’t get the pertinence of the photo. Was it ironic? It doesn’t bring out his possession of the attributes you mentioned, and moreover one of his eyes is half-shut—it seems like it was selected to be a bad moment.
If I had the habit of publishing my photos, that particular one would be bound for the trash. If I were professional and released that one without specific instructions to do so, I would expect a reputation hit.
Literally all photos of Zizek look like this.
Not literally literally, but close.
Truly, the face is the picture of the soul. I clicked on a rare cheerful picture and found an article headlined “Humanity is OK, but 99% of people are boring idiots.”
Seems rather obvious to me, illustrating the very first sentence of the post.
Nah, I disagree :-) It’s a good image. There’s more to photography than making well-exposed pictures of smiling faces.
I was more concerned with the second sentence than the first. He may be ace at getting the girl (photo did establish that decently well), but that photo didn’t exactly exude energy, enthusiasm, and confidence.
A fair point. I would guess that Žižek is well supplied with confidence, is noticeably lacking in enthusiasm, and I have no idea about energy :-)
Just watch some videos of him on YouTube. He seems like a pretty energetic guy, and charming in his own way. And he can speak very simply and clearly when he wants to, which surprised me a lot.