Initially, I also thought this blog entry was faulty. But there indeed seems to be an important difference between having the goal do-A, and succeeding only when A, and having the goal try-A, and succeeding when only a finger (or a hyperactuator in my case) was lifted toward A.
rw: Everything is reality! Speaking of thoughts as if the “mental” is separate from the “physical” indicates implicit dualism.
One may note that if “mental events” M1 and M2 occur as “physical events” P1 and P2 occur, doing surgery at the P-level could yield better Ps for Ms than doing surgery at the M-level.
Initially, I also thought this blog entry was faulty. But there indeed seems to be an important difference between having the goal do-A, and succeeding only when A, and having the goal try-A, and succeeding when only a finger (or a hyperactuator in my case) was lifted toward A.
One may note that if “mental events” M1 and M2 occur as “physical events” P1 and P2 occur, doing surgery at the P-level could yield better Ps for Ms than doing surgery at the M-level.