I regret being a source of anxiety. I think the things I don’t like about “de-silencing” are (1) that it’s liable to suggest that it’s a fix for being silenced rather than for being silent (i.e., that the problem is some kind of deliberately-applied pressure from outside rather than internal anxieties etc.) and (2) that it’s rather uninformative—I mean, any time you say anything you’re making yourself less silent/silenced, and presumably the point is to pick out particular instances, namely those in which you might have avoided saying anything for fear of confrontation (or whatever).
So what might be better? Nothing leaps out at me as being a really good name. (Which shouldn’t be a big surprise; probably most things don’t have obvious really good names, and most people can’t reliably locate them even when they exist.) I might consider something cute like “avoidance avoidance” (which would need an explanatory link just as much as “de-silencing” does, but at least avoids the help-help-I’m-being-oppressed vibe), or I might call instances of the pattern something vaguer like “constructive criticism” (which doesn’t draw attention to the motivation you’ve described here, but it’s not clear to me that that’s always a problem), but I would be immensely unsurprised to find that there are much better options than those.
(Maybe there’s a useful distinction to be drawn, between (1) a name for use in a post like yours here, and (2) a name for labelling instances as they arise. I’m not sure #2 is actually needed at all; after all, most comments don’t come tagged with explanations of the motives behind them. Hmm, and to what extent do we need #1 either? “Avoiding selection bias” is your current title for the article; it’s not a name for the action of “de-silencing” but that doesn’t make it a bad title, does it?)
I regret being a source of anxiety. I think the things I don’t like about “de-silencing” are (1) that it’s liable to suggest that it’s a fix for being silenced rather than for being silent (i.e., that the problem is some kind of deliberately-applied pressure from outside rather than internal anxieties etc.) and (2) that it’s rather uninformative—I mean, any time you say anything you’re making yourself less silent/silenced, and presumably the point is to pick out particular instances, namely those in which you might have avoided saying anything for fear of confrontation (or whatever).
So what might be better? Nothing leaps out at me as being a really good name. (Which shouldn’t be a big surprise; probably most things don’t have obvious really good names, and most people can’t reliably locate them even when they exist.) I might consider something cute like “avoidance avoidance” (which would need an explanatory link just as much as “de-silencing” does, but at least avoids the help-help-I’m-being-oppressed vibe), or I might call instances of the pattern something vaguer like “constructive criticism” (which doesn’t draw attention to the motivation you’ve described here, but it’s not clear to me that that’s always a problem), but I would be immensely unsurprised to find that there are much better options than those.
(Maybe there’s a useful distinction to be drawn, between (1) a name for use in a post like yours here, and (2) a name for labelling instances as they arise. I’m not sure #2 is actually needed at all; after all, most comments don’t come tagged with explanations of the motives behind them. Hmm, and to what extent do we need #1 either? “Avoiding selection bias” is your current title for the article; it’s not a name for the action of “de-silencing” but that doesn’t make it a bad title, does it?)