I thought the point of polygamy is to be able to have sex with multiple partners.
Nope, that’s just sleeping around and does not necessarily involve polygamy.
I don’t see how it refutes my point of them just wanting to have sex with more than one person
Because your point involves the word “just”. If you just want to have sex with many people, no need to do the whole polygamy thing—just sleep with whoever you want and can get.
Nope, that’s just sleeping around and does not necessarily involve polygamy.
Because your point involves the word “just”. If you just want to have sex with many people, no need to do the whole polygamy thing—just sleep with whoever you want and can get.
“Polygamy” involves marriage.
Not in the typical LW usage of the word.
I think that’s why people use “polyamory” to distinguish the two.
Fair point.