Can I be sure I will not wake up as Britney Spears tomorrow?
Yes. For me to wake up as Britney Spears, would mean the atoms in her brain were rearranged to encode my memories and personality. The probability of this occurring is negligible.
It seems like you’re discussing two types of copying procedure, or could be. The Ebborian copying seems to strongly imply the possibility of waking up as the copy or original (I have no statement on the probabilities), but a “teleporting Kirk” style of copying doesn’t seem to imply this. You’re presumably not Ebborian copied into Britney Spears, but if you’re talking about Joe making 99 copies through Kirk copying, it seems like he’d have an equal chance to be any of them at any time, assuming he has any chance not to be the original.
I suppose this may not be the case if you view the subjective experience as being equally likely to be in either Joe until the first moment of differing input, here being the vocal information on what copy he is.
If you aren’t discussing Ebborian copying, why does the creation of a physically identical version of oneself imply a possibility of being them? This seems like a widespread view, and I’ve long been confused by it, so I’d enjoy illumination by anyone on this point.
It seems like you’re discussing two types of copying procedure, or could be. The Ebborian copying seems to strongly imply the possibility of waking up as the copy or original (I have no statement on the probabilities), but a “teleporting Kirk” style of copying doesn’t seem to imply this. You’re presumably not Ebborian copied into Britney Spears, but if you’re talking about Joe making 99 copies through Kirk copying, it seems like he’d have an equal chance to be any of them at any time, assuming he has any chance not to be the original.
I suppose this may not be the case if you view the subjective experience as being equally likely to be in either Joe until the first moment of differing input, here being the vocal information on what copy he is.
If you aren’t discussing Ebborian copying, why does the creation of a physically identical version of oneself imply a possibility of being them? This seems like a widespread view, and I’ve long been confused by it, so I’d enjoy illumination by anyone on this point.