I can’t believe any person actually believes the Big Bang happened.
I do believe, people think that rational is some kind of synonym for logical. Which is sad.
I made a perfect ham&cheese sandwich this morning. It was moderately awesome. If thinking this was the most awesome thing you’ve done this month, maybe you should try making cheese sandwiches too.
a) What does this have to do with a bragging thread?
b) What explanation do you find preferable to the Big Bang?
c) What is your definition of rational?
I can’t believe any person actually believes the Big Bang happened.
I do believe, people think that rational is some kind of synonym for logical. Which is sad.
I made a perfect ham&cheese sandwich this morning. It was moderately awesome. If thinking this was the most awesome thing you’ve done this month, maybe you should try making cheese sandwiches too.
a) What does this have to do with a bragging thread?
b) What explanation do you find preferable to the Big Bang?
c) What is your definition of rational?