An interesting article I found a long time ago. Scroll down to the tables. I’ve found these tables extremely interesting. Way better than the descriptions of what the different personality traits are supposed to mean.
E.g. Openness seems to be your measure of liberal vs conservative/ red tribe vs blue tribe stuff.
Conscientiousness measures focus/akrasia/ADHD.
Introversion is obvious, but what it correlates to is interesting. Extroverts are interest in parties, but introversion correlates very strongly with “nerd” culture stuff.
Agreeableness is atheism vs religion. Might be more generally having contrarian opinions on things, I’m not certain.
Neuroticism is… well I don’t really know what’s going on there.
An interesting article I found a long time ago. Scroll down to the tables. I’ve found these tables extremely interesting. Way better than the descriptions of what the different personality traits are supposed to mean.
E.g. Openness seems to be your measure of liberal vs conservative/ red tribe vs blue tribe stuff.
Conscientiousness measures focus/akrasia/ADHD.
Introversion is obvious, but what it correlates to is interesting. Extroverts are interest in parties, but introversion correlates very strongly with “nerd” culture stuff.
Agreeableness is atheism vs religion. Might be more generally having contrarian opinions on things, I’m not certain.
Neuroticism is… well I don’t really know what’s going on there.
Apparently, liking rap and hip-hop means you’re “conservative & conventional” as well as “calm & relaxed”. Yo, m’f’kers.
I feel there’s a ton of gender and class signaling mixed in there.
Looks like the more you like nature/the outdoors, the less neurotic you are.