Well, that’s why the things that tend to get described as specifically Nazi tend not to be things like “improving the education system”
No, I think that’s not the why. I think the actual why is because the Nazis lost the last war and so became known as the incarnation of pure evil, and everything they touched turned to pure evil, the end. In less flowery prose, “Nazi” (or neo-nazi) nowadays is just a derogatory term without much historical meaning.
I am not a fan of NSDAP and though I don’t know much about Golden Dawn I doubt they are a bunch of decent fellows. If someone calls them neo-nazis, I mentally translate it to “I don’t really like ’em”. But if people want to insist that they are actually, literally Nazis and pine for the good old days of the Third Reich, well, at this point I feel compelled to point out that no, taking derogatories literally is rarely a good idea.
If someone calls them neo-nazis, I mentally translate it to “I don’t really like ’em”. But if people want to insist that they are actually, literally Nazis and pine for the good old days of the Third Reich
I may have used the word “fascist” or “Nazi” as derogatory terms back when I was an angry young 20 year old, but I am trying to be a little more rational now. I have been arguing that they are literally Nazis.
No, I think that’s not the why. I think the actual why is because the Nazis lost the last war and so became known as the incarnation of pure evil, and everything they touched turned to pure evil, the end. In less flowery prose, “Nazi” (or neo-nazi) nowadays is just a derogatory term without much historical meaning.
I am not a fan of NSDAP and though I don’t know much about Golden Dawn I doubt they are a bunch of decent fellows. If someone calls them neo-nazis, I mentally translate it to “I don’t really like ’em”. But if people want to insist that they are actually, literally Nazis and pine for the good old days of the Third Reich, well, at this point I feel compelled to point out that no, taking derogatories literally is rarely a good idea.
I may have used the word “fascist” or “Nazi” as derogatory terms back when I was an angry young 20 year old, but I am trying to be a little more rational now. I have been arguing that they are literally Nazis.
Literally Nazis means they are members of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.
How are you defining the word “Nazi”? (or the word “literally”?)