I haven’t finished reading yet, but did notice this:
Currently, the 10^30 of compute suggested in AIDC[16] would cost much more than the world’s net wealth of about $100 trillion (based on a $1 per 10^17 FLOP[17] price as of 2021).
There appears to be an arithmetic error in here, as 10^30 FLOP / 10^17 FLOP per $ = $10 trillion, which is only 10% of net wealth. At least one of these figures, or the claim itself, must be wrong.
I haven’t finished reading yet, but did notice this:
There appears to be an arithmetic error in here, as 10^30 FLOP / 10^17 FLOP per $ = $10 trillion, which is only 10% of net wealth. At least one of these figures, or the claim itself, must be wrong.
Good catch, thank you—fixed & clarified !