Yes, please post your math, either in the comments here or in another post, depending on how involved it is.
I reckon a good way to figure it out is to test it and see how often the quick scribbly math fails us.
How would you test whether your math for “courage” failed you? (Presumably, if it’s wrong, then you’d fail to maximize expected utility, but how could you tell that?)
I’ve seen lots of people fail or push in the wrong direction when a bit of From First Principles would have saved them).
Do you have any examples of this in the sphere of interpersonal behavior?
Yes, please post your math, either in the comments here or in another post, depending on how involved it is.
will do later. Too busy to dig it up now.
How would you test whether your math for “courage” failed you? (Presumably, if it’s wrong, then you’d fail to maximize expected utility, but how could you tell that?)
Look at other people, and your past self I guess? Are you doing better than you would have? Does it look like it’s got to do with risk strategy? Not rigorous or anything, but you can get evidence. The courage thing is built on expected utility being measurable, so it shouldn’t be too hard. Won’t be easy either, though.
Do you have any examples of this in the sphere of interpersonal behavior?
Not off the top of my head. I don’t have a good solid set of equations or even rules for interpersonal stuff, so I wouldn’t expect to recognize it. Also the bottleneck in interpersonal stuff is usually something other than using models blindly.
Yes, please post your math, either in the comments here or in another post, depending on how involved it is.
How would you test whether your math for “courage” failed you? (Presumably, if it’s wrong, then you’d fail to maximize expected utility, but how could you tell that?)
Do you have any examples of this in the sphere of interpersonal behavior?
will do later. Too busy to dig it up now.
Look at other people, and your past self I guess? Are you doing better than you would have? Does it look like it’s got to do with risk strategy? Not rigorous or anything, but you can get evidence. The courage thing is built on expected utility being measurable, so it shouldn’t be too hard. Won’t be easy either, though.
Not off the top of my head. I don’t have a good solid set of equations or even rules for interpersonal stuff, so I wouldn’t expect to recognize it. Also the bottleneck in interpersonal stuff is usually something other than using models blindly.