Okay, so the education fallacy is hereby declared as yours definition is the one truly, from your education and when defined differently is is not, in the context of the setting where it is used. Therefore, when talking of a computer to buy, when I state my wish is to buy an apple computer, the farmer says, how is an apple a computer? Doesn’t change his definition for the context of computers.
Your educational fallacy and semantics discussion is highly irrelevant, if the first thing in step one is said definition, confusion-or-deliberate-deception hypothesis is not falling very far from the tree.
Still, use whichever word you want. I suggest you can either copy-paste the website and alter the word logic* with a word that doesn’t conflict with your engrained neural pathways, it can be completely new, or you can simply use the definition of the banned word, which there is only one definition.
It sounds to me as you’re using this as an excuse to not try said exercise. Imagine you have two brains. One speaks to the other but the other does not speak back. The one brain is you, that is your emotional core. Whatever it strives to do, it gets. It channels and uses logic and rationality as a tool rather then the end, a tool to fulfill its desires. No matter what you do, you will be a slave to your emotions while you still use logic as a tool rather then the end. That’s the theory and I invite you to leave aside your preconditioned beliefs from your schooling and social conditioning and be open-minded for the sake of this exercise and your critical thinking.
What on earth are you talking about? I am making no claims about my education. I am saying that the definition you’re trying to give to “logic” is one that bears rather little resemblance to how anyone outside your “Logic Nation” group uses it, and that this is (at best) going to lead to confusion when you try to talk to others.
engrained neural pathways [...] as an excuse to not try said exercise [...] preconditioned beliefs [...] social conditioning [...] open-minded
Oh for goodness’ sake, grow up. I don’t need excuses. For any given exercise, the default is not to try it. I have yet to see anything that even slightly suggests that trying what you suggest is a good idea. And calling people who don’t join your cult closed-minded is the oldest trick in the book and I decline to fall for it.
What on earth are you talking about? I am making no claims about my education. I am saying that the definition you’re trying to give to “logic” is one that bears rather little resemblance to how anyone outside your “Logic Nation” group uses it, and that this is (at best) going to lead to confusion when you try to talk to others.
Sure, the same way as an apple farmer might be confused of an apple product. This is pure semantics. If a word is redefined and stated as such, that is how the word is used within that context, otherwise language do not function. It did cause confusion, that’s why I clarified what the definition was within this context. You should no longer be confused. If you’re arguing that others (generalization), go to the street and ask any random number of people. This is an educational fallacy.
Oh for goodness’ sake, grow up. I don’t need excuses. For any given exercise, the default is not to try it. I have yet to see anything that even slightly suggests that trying what you suggest is a good idea. And calling people who don’t join your cult closed-minded is the oldest trick in the book and I decline to fall for it.
Well, I’ve told you about how many religious people there are, a little about brain stuff, and some theories on how emotions drives our actions. I’m not saying you’re closed-minded, all I am asking for you to be open-minded to the idea, considering all of that you can learn of the brain which is reasonably objective, and whether submitting to the consistent patterns emotionally is that big of a deal or if it can really improve your life and those around you.
What do you mean join my cult? This is not a cult.
Okay, so the education fallacy is hereby declared as yours definition is the one truly, from your education and when defined differently is is not, in the context of the setting where it is used. Therefore, when talking of a computer to buy, when I state my wish is to buy an apple computer, the farmer says, how is an apple a computer? Doesn’t change his definition for the context of computers.
Your educational fallacy and semantics discussion is highly irrelevant, if the first thing in step one is said definition, confusion-or-deliberate-deception hypothesis is not falling very far from the tree.
Still, use whichever word you want. I suggest you can either copy-paste the website and alter the word logic* with a word that doesn’t conflict with your engrained neural pathways, it can be completely new, or you can simply use the definition of the banned word, which there is only one definition.
It sounds to me as you’re using this as an excuse to not try said exercise. Imagine you have two brains. One speaks to the other but the other does not speak back. The one brain is you, that is your emotional core. Whatever it strives to do, it gets. It channels and uses logic and rationality as a tool rather then the end, a tool to fulfill its desires. No matter what you do, you will be a slave to your emotions while you still use logic as a tool rather then the end. That’s the theory and I invite you to leave aside your preconditioned beliefs from your schooling and social conditioning and be open-minded for the sake of this exercise and your critical thinking.
What on earth are you talking about? I am making no claims about my education. I am saying that the definition you’re trying to give to “logic” is one that bears rather little resemblance to how anyone outside your “Logic Nation” group uses it, and that this is (at best) going to lead to confusion when you try to talk to others.
Oh for goodness’ sake, grow up. I don’t need excuses. For any given exercise, the default is not to try it. I have yet to see anything that even slightly suggests that trying what you suggest is a good idea. And calling people who don’t join your cult closed-minded is the oldest trick in the book and I decline to fall for it.
Sure, the same way as an apple farmer might be confused of an apple product. This is pure semantics. If a word is redefined and stated as such, that is how the word is used within that context, otherwise language do not function. It did cause confusion, that’s why I clarified what the definition was within this context. You should no longer be confused. If you’re arguing that others (generalization), go to the street and ask any random number of people. This is an educational fallacy.
Well, I’ve told you about how many religious people there are, a little about brain stuff, and some theories on how emotions drives our actions. I’m not saying you’re closed-minded, all I am asking for you to be open-minded to the idea, considering all of that you can learn of the brain which is reasonably objective, and whether submitting to the consistent patterns emotionally is that big of a deal or if it can really improve your life and those around you.
What do you mean join my cult? This is not a cult.