Weed smells orders of magnitude more than many powders and I imagine releases way more particles into the air but assuming this is doable for well packed fentanyl is there a limit? Can you expose dogs to enough say carfentanil safely initially to start training them? lofentanil?
And if it’s detectable by dogs surely it can’t be that far from our capabilities to create a sensor that detects particles in the air at the same fidelity as a dog’s nose by copying the general functionality of olfactory receptors and neurons if cost isn’t a big issue.
Weed smells orders of magnitude more than many powders and I imagine releases way more particles into the air but assuming this is doable for well packed fentanyl is there a limit? Can you expose dogs to enough say carfentanil safely initially to start training them? lofentanil?
And if it’s detectable by dogs surely it can’t be that far from our capabilities to create a sensor that detects particles in the air at the same fidelity as a dog’s nose by copying the general functionality of olfactory receptors and neurons if cost isn’t a big issue.