I think that if the US population was in a stable state—the number of people in each age bracket staying constant over time—then these numbers would have to converge. But of course the US population is not in a stable state, it is growing, and so there are more young people with lower mortality pulling the average micromorts down.
I think that if the US population was in a stable state—the number of people in each age bracket staying constant over time—then these numbers would have to converge. But of course the US population is not in a stable state, it is growing, and so there are more young people with lower mortality pulling the average micromorts down.
But the population is actually skewing older (see below) as it grows, I think in part because much of the population increase is coming from immigration and increased life expectancy. Source: https://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-03.pdf