What actual effect they were measuring, exactly, is a mystery to me at the moment.
Perhaps either falsification in beauty rankings (‘that black chick isn’t too hot, but for a black chick she’s pretty good, so I will give her a high rating even though I’d likely ignore her’), or the exact opposite (“she’s hot, but I’d rather an equally hot white chick”); oh the irony...
Perhaps either falsification in beauty rankings (‘that black chick isn’t too hot, but for a black chick she’s pretty good, so I will give her a high rating even though I’d likely ignore her’), or the exact opposite (“she’s hot, but I’d rather an equally hot white chick”); oh the irony...
...Wow, that’s another great catch. I really should’ve thought of that one myself. Kudos.
OkCupid, are you here? Are you listening? =)
People don’t just look at pictures when they decide if they’re attracted to someone, and correction was only for picture attractiveness.